Indonesian Skink : The Famous Blue Tongue Lizard

Indonesian Skink is is Blue tongue lizard, comprise the Australasian genus Tiliqua, which contains some of the largest members of the skink family (Scincidae).

They are commonly called blue-tongued lizards or simply Indonesian Skink or Blue Tongue Skink in this matter . As suggested by these common names, a prominent characteristic of the genus is a large blue tongue that can be bared as a bluff-warning to potential enemies. Blue-tongued skinks are bred in captivity and sold as house pets.

Talking about their Ecology, Most this Blue Tongue skinks are diurnal, ground-foraging omnivores, feeding on a wide variety of insects, flowers, gastropods, berries and fruits.

The pygmy blue-tongue is again the exception, being primarily an ambush predator of terrestrial arthropods. All are viviparous, with litter sizes ranging from one to four in the pygmy blue-tongue and shingleback from five to twenty four in the eastern and northern blue-tongues

Indonesian Blue Tongue Skink 2Indonesian Blue Tongue Skink

According to Wikipedia, Indonesian skinks are closely related to the genus Cyclodomorphus and Hemisphaeriodon. All species are found on various islands of Indonesia, mainly in Island of Papua New Guinea.

One subspecies of Tiliqua scincoides is also found on several small Indonesian islands between Australia and New Guinea. Tiliqua nigrolutea is the only species present in Tasmania, Australia. With the exception of the pygmy blue-tongue, they are relatively large lizards (up to 45 cm total length), light-bodied, short-limbed, broad with distinct heads and dull.

Indonesian Skink tongue blue

While its not tested yet whether their blue tongue is poison, many peoples believe if any single lick to human body would cost of life. Basically this animal is dangerous but many peoples considered takes them as a pet. Meanwhile there is not restriction for peoples to adopt them as a pet, this Lizard still considered as wild reptile.

Indonesian skink blue

Their tongue blue colored and sticky, this feature makes this reptile becoming one of the favorite star of Reptile Kingdom. Their tongue one of the reason why people take them as a pet.

Indonesian Skink Blue Tounge

Indonesian Skinks is very fast of breeding, the adult could breed more than 10 eggs and most of them would survive till adult. Many peoples especially reptile freaker find this Lizzard as the most beautiful Lizard in the world and many of them now try breed this animal on the lab.

Indonesian skink 2

For me personally I don’t find this lizard is beautiful, I think they look scary. Meanwhile I’m amazed with their tongue color, I do find this animal very creepy and remind me with mini Komodo or small Anaconda. My advice for you : Stay away from it!



About the Author

Hi, saya Obbie Afri Gultom, seorang traveler, pecinta kuliner, dan suka lihat culture fashion lokal. Tapi selain itu, saya juga berbagi tips mendapatkan beasiswa, konferensi, dan training baik di dalam maupun luar negeri. Saya berhasil menjelajahi berbagai negara di dunia karena saya telah menerima 5 beasiswa luar negeri: StuNed, New Zealand ASEAN Scholarship (NZAS), Australia Awards Scholarship (AAS), Fulbright, dan Stipendium Hungaricum. Seluruh pendidikan saya, dari SD hingga S3, dibiayai oleh beasiswa. Bukan hanya beasiswa, saya juga telah mengikuti puluhan konferensi dan pelatihan internasional—semuanya gratis! Dari pengalaman ini, saya mulai membangun TravelFoodFashion, yang awalnya hanya fokus pada jalan-jalan, kuliner, dan fashion. Namun, saya menyadari bahwa salah satu gerbang utama untuk bisa ke luar negeri adalah melalui beasiswa, konferensi, dan pelatihan internasional. Melalui situs ini, saya ingin membantu lebih banyak orang menemukan peluang untuk belajar dan berkembang di tingkat global. Karena saya percaya bahwa kesempatan selalu ada untuk mereka yang mencari dan berani mencoba! 🚀🌏

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