Indonesian Fried Rice Recipe : How To Cook This Special Dish

Indonesian Fried Rice Recipe – Fried Rice or Nasi Goreng is a another traditional Indonesian food which popular among the locals. According to history, Fried rice was originated from China. The recipe brought by the Chinese to Indonesia and adapted to locals taste and create new variant of Fried Rice. Indonesian fried rice is completely different from others, its more salty, spicy and being cook with other specific material which only can be found Indonesia.

Indonesian Fried Rice Recipe

Fried Rice is considered as daily dish in Indonesia, it can be eat in the morning for breakfast, for lunch or for dinner. Many Indonesian however prefer to cook it by themselves instead buying it from local restaurant. If you ever go to Indonesian Restaurant , Fried Rice or Nasi Goreng as they called is mandatory on their menu. So if you want to try little of it go to nearby Indonesian Restaurant in your place. However if you unwilling to spend any money, how about try to cook it by yourself?

Today I want to show you how to make Indonesian Fried Rice, its very easy and everybody can do it. The ingredients to make this cuisine is very simple, you can find any of them in any market in your place.

OK lets find out about the ingredients you need to provide:

  • 2 cups uncooked long-grain white rice
  • 2 eggs, beaten
  • 2 teaspoons sesame oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 8 ounces boneless skinless chicken thighs, cut into 1/2 inch strips
  • 6 ounces raw shrimp, peeled
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 2 tablespoons chopped garlic
  • 1 medium onion, finely chopped
  • 2 teaspoons finely chopped fresh gingerroot
  • 1 tablespoon dried shrimp paste
  • 1/2 teaspoon fresh ground black pepper
  • 1 tablespoon chili bean sauce or 1 -2 teaspoon sambal oelek
  • 1 tablespoon oyster sauce
  • 1 tablespoon ketjap manis or 1 tablespoon dark soy sauce

Most of the ingredients is basically can be found in any supermarket but if you living in USA, Canada, Europe or Australia you can find those ingredients is Chinese store in your local China Town. Check the Indonesian Fried Rice Recipe below.

How To Cook Indonesian Fried Rice

After you provide all the ingredients, all you need is follow this guide to cook Indonesian Fried Rice.

  1. First, Boil rice in plenty of salted water until cooked.
  2. Rinse, drain and spread the rice to cool.
  3. Do this at least two hours ahead, or preferably, leave overnight in the fridge.
  4. Combine eggs with sesame oil and salt, and put aside (see below).
  5. Heat wok or large frying pan over heat until hot.
  6. Add oil, and wait until it is very hot and slightly smoking.
  7. Add the onions, ginger, shrimp paste, garlic, and pepper, and stir-fry for 2 minutes, squashing the shrimp paste as you go.
  8. Then add chicken and shrimp and stir-fry for a further 2 minutes.
  9. Add rice and continue to stir-fry for 3 minutes.
  10. Now add the chilli bean sauce or sambal oelek, oyster sauce and ketjap manis/dark soy sauce and continue to stir-fry for 2 minutes.
  11. Finally, add egg mixture and continue to stir-fry for another minute.
  12. Alternatively make 2 thin omelettes from the egg mixture ahead of time and cut into strips.
  13. These can then be used as garnish on the finished dish.
  14. Turn onto large serving platter and garnish with the spring onion and fresh cilantro, and serve hot.

In additional you can add some crispy when it served. Fried Rice or Nasi Goreng can be served with your family when breakfast, lunch and dinner.

That’s it! I hope the Indonesian Fried Rice Recipe is useful for you. Good Luck!



About the Author

Hi, saya Obbie Afri Gultom, seorang traveler, pecinta kuliner, dan suka lihat culture fashion lokal. Tapi selain itu, saya juga berbagi tips mendapatkan beasiswa, konferensi, dan training baik di dalam maupun luar negeri. Saya berhasil menjelajahi berbagai negara di dunia karena saya telah menerima 5 beasiswa luar negeri: StuNed, New Zealand ASEAN Scholarship (NZAS), Australia Awards Scholarship (AAS), Fulbright, dan Stipendium Hungaricum. Seluruh pendidikan saya, dari SD hingga S3, dibiayai oleh beasiswa. Bukan hanya beasiswa, saya juga telah mengikuti puluhan konferensi dan pelatihan internasional—semuanya gratis! Dari pengalaman ini, saya mulai membangun TravelFoodFashion, yang awalnya hanya fokus pada jalan-jalan, kuliner, dan fashion. Namun, saya menyadari bahwa salah satu gerbang utama untuk bisa ke luar negeri adalah melalui beasiswa, konferensi, dan pelatihan internasional. Melalui situs ini, saya ingin membantu lebih banyak orang menemukan peluang untuk belajar dan berkembang di tingkat global. Karena saya percaya bahwa kesempatan selalu ada untuk mereka yang mencari dan berani mencoba! 🚀🌏

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