I Hate The Rachel Zoe Project!

Picture Source : www.bravotv.com

I Hate The Rachel Zoe Project – If you ever watched a show called “The Rachel Zoe Project” then you must prepare yourself for lame torturing made by the one and only and the most annoying person on Hollywood (behind Kim Kardashian of course) Rachel Zoe. At first, I have know idea who the hell this woman is? I mean what her profession? Fashion Designer? Nope, Actress? Nope! Singer? Nope. So what exactly she’s doing on the show? Well, Basically nothing.

Picture Source : www.bravotv.com

Picture Source : www.bravotv.com

Well, from what I can see she just rude all over the show, telling people this, telling people that, she just act like she’s the new Anna Wintour of Vogue. Come on honey this only Starworld/Bravo. At one episode I watch her with Kim Kardashian talking each other and said that the supposedly working together long a time ago and they seem so familiar each other. Can you believe that? at one point, I saw Kim Kardashian change her voice tone to sound more like Rachel Zoe : The typical uber annoying blonde Girl. Don’t make me wrong I’m not hating Kim Kardashian or Rachel for personal purpose, I just get tired when peoples embarrass themselves by showing their daily life activities in television show. I mean what’s the point?

Rachel Zoe should ashamed herself by exploiting her family and her business empire. She think this whole idea can make her the new Hollywood socialite queen. Seriously, people only see you as another Hollywood trash. You know what, the most hated part of the show is how she treated her worker badly by saying bad words over and over. She remind me of Nazi Style of fashion designer, Coco Channel.

I also blame this mess to Starworld / Bravo which airing this trashy Hollywood show routinely and likely almost everyday. I used to like Starworld Channel, but it seems they getting worst day by day. This show, Masterchef US, and other zero quality show would probably plumber their rating.  Good Luck Starworld/bravo!



About the Author

Hi, saya Obbie Afri Gultom, seorang traveler, pecinta kuliner, dan suka lihat culture fashion lokal. Tapi selain itu, saya juga berbagi tips mendapatkan beasiswa, konferensi, dan training baik di dalam maupun luar negeri. Saya berhasil menjelajahi berbagai negara di dunia karena saya telah menerima 5 beasiswa luar negeri: StuNed, New Zealand ASEAN Scholarship (NZAS), Australia Awards Scholarship (AAS), Fulbright, dan Stipendium Hungaricum. Seluruh pendidikan saya, dari SD hingga S3, dibiayai oleh beasiswa. Bukan hanya beasiswa, saya juga telah mengikuti puluhan konferensi dan pelatihan internasional—semuanya gratis! Dari pengalaman ini, saya mulai membangun TravelFoodFashion, yang awalnya hanya fokus pada jalan-jalan, kuliner, dan fashion. Namun, saya menyadari bahwa salah satu gerbang utama untuk bisa ke luar negeri adalah melalui beasiswa, konferensi, dan pelatihan internasional. Melalui situs ini, saya ingin membantu lebih banyak orang menemukan peluang untuk belajar dan berkembang di tingkat global. Karena saya percaya bahwa kesempatan selalu ada untuk mereka yang mencari dan berani mencoba! 🚀🌏

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