Alena Kartaeva, A Russian girl becomes the Latest victim of mugging in Bali

Alena Kartaeva (27 years), a Russian girl is the latest of victim of mugging in Bali. She was caught on camera crying and complaining to the locals about what happened to her. Shesaid that she lost IDR 20 million, not including other documents such as passports and others.

Alena seen Crying in Bali

The theft occurred at Jalan Braban, Kelurahan Kerobokan Kelod, North Kuta District, Badung, Bali.

Initially at around 15:23 pm, Alena Kartaeva was walking from the villa she occupied to eat and go to a restaurant located on Jalan Beraban. Then, about 100 meters suddenly someone patted her hard on the back and grabbed her cell phone in a force way.


When her back was tapped, Alena almost fell while the person who tapped her immediately took away her cellphone and immediately ran away. She did not notice the face of the person who took it because her position at that time was shocked or paralyzed.

While at the scene of the incident, several local residents came to help her and chase the perpetrators but because the motorbike he was driving was going fast, local residents lost track of him.

Alena said local residents helped calm her, who was seen crying and was shocked when her cell phone was stolen by an unknown person. This crime case that befell a foreigner was viral on social media and is now being handled by the local police.

Alena Crying for help to locals.


Indonesia in general is a country that is still prone to crime of snatching / forced theft. Especially in big cities like Jakarta, Surabaya, Medan, Bandung, Makassar and Palembang. Meanwhile, Bali, where Alena Kartaeva is a victim of mugging, is usually a safe area. So I was shocked to hear this news, how can an elite tourist area like Bali become a crime-prone area? whereas Bali is very safe, because this area is considered the main tourist area of ??this country, so maintaining security takes precedence. Moreover, in Bali the local customary values ??are very thickly applied in people’s daily lives. The act of stealing is an act that is prohibited and denounced by local Customary values. So it could be, the perpetrator is not a local resident, but a person from another island in Indonesia.

So, when you have a vacation in Bali, you have to be extra careful. Don’t look alone and look “easy” to become a victim of a theft crime.

Be safe!



About the Author

Hi! I'm Obi, and I'm a traveller and writer who loves meeting new people and staying in different places. I've been travelling for years, and it's been an amazing way to learn about different cultures and ways of thinking. I'm always eager to meet new people, so feel free to hit me up!

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